A Troubled Heart
بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
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You have to always continue to strive no matter how hard things get, no matter how troubled you feel. No matter how tough things get, no matter how many times you lose, you keep trying to win.
LL Cool J
Entering a certain age without having a bigger picture of what you want with your own life, certainly will cause you a troubled heart.
When you have people around you judging that you are too old to live a young and free life.
When you think that if you don't make a decision now, one day it might be too late for you.
People's big picture of life is about having a family, own a house, a good career and your big picture of life are about to be able to keep doing what you love.
They said that you don't work hard enough.
You said; if GOD will, InsyaAllah.
Rather than puzzling myself and stop living because of what they think and waiting.
Waiting cause our heart fill with anxiety, creating insecurities and doubts
lingering feelings of inadequacy.
I rather choose to be content with my life now.
We all have our trying moments,
I know because I have mine too.
In the process, I got hurt too.
But people still think you never tried hard enough.
People think that the way you live now is your escape mechanism from trying to achieve their bigger picture.
People don't know how many times hope has put you down.
To the point where you no longer believe in yourself.
There are days when you feel that the world seems so unfair and that you’re not enough.
To the struggles that no one can understand except you.
To the pain that you keep in your silence and a fake smile.
People ask you "when"?
The whens leave you feeling incomplete.
Less than. Undeserving.
I don’t really have the answer to things they ask me.
But I learn on how to stop obsessing over possibility and start focusing on the practical.
You should set your main goal- to be genuinely happy.
You should be happy by trusting Allah that He has the best plan for you.
You should not stop living your life by waiting..
Waiting is full of uncertainty.
But living is to keep ongoing.
Keep your head up and moving forward.
People can say what they want to say, but this is your life.Only you understand your journey.
It may be different from other people.
It's because you're unique.
It's all about seeing the good in everyone, in everything and in the time that Allah plans for you.
And believe in yourself.
Put your troubled heart at ease.
Let it rest dear troubled heart.
Let go and let God.
Let it rest dear troubled heart.
Let go and let God.