A week before new year.
Subhanallah, how beautiful and how fast time flies.
When it
comes to New Year, we always try to come out with goals and resolutions in order
for us to have a better year, something more meaningful and worth a lifetime.
With the age that keep on increasing, a year older and
closer to death. But does it make us a year wiser?
Sometimes, we think that some people are just good because
they are good and some people are bad because they are bad. We forgot that this
life is a constant struggle.
Even for someone who already going through their hijrah, they still going through that
constant struggle of trying to be better.
Each wave bring change to the beach. Like how each struggle change our life. |
In this life, we forget that our Iman goes up and down every
single second. How we act reflect our Iman and our struggles reflect our Iman.
In order to increase our Iman we have to work through it.
I experience this every single day. I can see it even on how
I used my social media. I can see and feel the different every day. Which social
sites I visit more reflect the condition of my heart. I’m not a good person,
but I’m still trying to be better.
That’s why, in facing my constant struggle, I need to have
my constant reminder. Every person has their lifeline for their heart. For me
personally, listening to talk and Quran is my way to find that motivation
again. I know there are days when I fall behind in my journey. Sometimes it
goes on for quite too long and I feel comfortable. But Alhamdulillah, when I’m
trying to get up again and trying to find my strength, I try to remember what
is my goal and how many struggle that I pass through to get to this point.
I also try to remind myself that, it doesn’t matter where or
when you begin, but it’s important to see your condition when you end it.
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Our biggest dream is Jannah and to end this life in Husnul Khatimah. InsyaAllah |
We love to see when people become a better person; we love
to know their hijrah story. But we forget to see how much progress we made so
far in our life. We think we are good enough and once they are worse than us. But
the next time we see them, they have made such a great progress with their life,
and yet we still stay the same. We think
that Allah make it easy for them, but deep down we know they also face the same
struggle and the only different is they choose to fight it and we choose to
stay the same.
Of course most of the time, we make mistakes, and we regret
it. Yet, what do we do in order not to repeat the same mistakes over and over
We are human and to err is human. Our biggest blessing in
this life is to have a faith in Allah. How He is AR-Rahman, Ar-Rahim, Al- ‘Affuw and Al-Ghaffar. No matter where our
starting point of our change, InsyaAllah He will forgive us and accept our
deeds. We make mistake and we repent.
Through this journey, nothing will be easy and it will get
even harder. But this constant struggle will become our greatest strength to
keep on going.
Remember that; to err is human but constantly repent is the
sign of our Iman and Taqwa.
We pray to Allah to give us strength to fight this constant
struggle and may these struggles become the means for us to get closer to
Allah. For a better year of 2019. InsyaAllah.
P/s: 2018 really is the tough year for me but also one of
the greatest year so far. Alhamdulillah. After my Umrah last year, this topic
stuck in my mind since my last wida’. When you were there, your surrounding helps
you to be in constants goodness and away from sins but I know that to see
whether my Ibadah affected my Iman or not is to see how I fight through this
constant struggle; in my everyday life, the fight between my Iman and my nafs.
Allahu. May Allah accept it from all of us. InsyaALLAH.