Le Soleil
Le soleil
it not a Sun, but The Sun
Only one in the universe
symbol of hope.
the sign of another day is coming
Le soleil
oh we love The Sun
Oh we SO in love with the Sun
well not everyone do feel the same
there always someone who feel differently
when everyone hoping for a new day
he still missing yesterday
Missng the moon that gone for the day
Le soleil
the greatest and hottest part of the universe
the power and overpowering
showing that power but still full of love and care
shine enough to wake the world
light the lost soul
spark the gray and gloomy day
Le soleil
I miss you already
Le soleil
I know you are there
Le soleil
You just to far away to reach.
Le soleil
Good night
Le Soleil
Let me share my story with the Moon tonight
let's us meet again tomorrow.
Keep loving me Le Soleil
J'aime Le Soleil