My Definition of FREEDOM
Born and raise as a Muslim is one of the greatest gift that
human being can ask for. Which many others are still looking for that missing
piece of their heart? The fitrah of a believer is to believe in one god
none others but Allah. However at the same time we are raise in the society
that put their personal perspective above the teaching of this religion. They
believe in the need of freedom. Freedom of speech, freedom of believing and
freedom to be who they believe they are.
Have you seen the
one who takes as his god his own desire? Then would you be responsible for
him? 25:43
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Freedom is the liberation and independence from anything. But
still people out there are fighting for their human right to be who they want to be even it goes against their fitrah? What exactly are you
trying to be free from? Do you believe and doubt yourself when people say that
this religion you are following is the religion that oppress the human need and
not progress according to time.
When we talk about religion we often think about the set of
rules and regulation that block our freedom. The do’s and the don’t s, what is
appropriate and what is not. So can we say that religion make us lose our
freedom especially the freedom to be ourselves.
We are born in the fitrah of Islam, the need to believe in
one God and the creator. From my perspective, why people think that religion is
the limitation to their freedom confuse between religion and culture.
People not sure where to look at the real Islam. From the
Arab perspective, Malay or is there any suitable culture in this world that
suit their need of Islam. We want Islam to agree with everything in our own
perspective, and when it contradicts to our personal opinion we agree that this
religion is a form of oppression. When the truth is, we are just fulfilling the
nafs and our own desire.
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Can you imagine living in this vast world without having any instruction on how to live this life? |
Islam comes to us to give us the freedom to worship only to
Him, without having to need to go through someone else to supplicate to
Allah. He gives us this beautiful
religion not because He need us, but we are the one who are in need of Him.
Islam also comes to us to free us from slavery of this
worldly life that we love so much. You and I, we all love to look beautiful, to
be love, rich and importantly we want to feel accepted by the society. Islam
comes to us to free us from this form of slavery. Islam gives us the highest
form of freedom; the self-actualization. To be beautiful in the eyes of the
Creator without worried about the sight of creation that keep on shaping your
mind away from that highest hierarchy of need according to Maslow’s. To be independent of the opinion of others
and to have that sense of confidence in you, that is the true freedom you can
ask for.
If you think Islam is difficult to practice, go back to
Quran where Allah repetitively repeat that He is trying to make thing easier
for you (2:185), (22:78), (2:286) and ( 4:28).
……Allah intends for you ease and does not intend for you hardship and [wants] for you to complete the period and to glorify Allah for that [to] which He has guided you; and perhaps you will be grateful. (2:185)
When you feel that it is hard and difficult for you to put
it into a practice, know that you are been tested by Allah where the devil
whisper into your heart that things are not easy for you.
Every restriction
that you have in this religion is not limitation to your freedom but it is for
your own welfare. Allah only prohibited what is harmful for us. If He lets us
do whatever we like even what is harmful to us, meaning that He is going
against His own name, Ar-Rahman The Most Merciful. Whatever Allah prohibits us
to do; He prohibits it out of love.
This world is the shortest period of our life, the period of
test and the final preparation to the real meaning freedom; the hereafter.
There, the term of happily ever after can be applied.
Allah the most merciful, the Oft-forgiving wants all of us
to be in the Jannah. That is why He give us the guidance through this religion
to earn the place where freedom can be own.