ouran high school.....
Hahaha... aku ni minat sangat crite ouran high school. Manga dia ke, anime dia ke.. memang aku minat sangat... crite dia lawak gile...semua watak dalam cite tu mmg aku suke. especially kyouya.. dark side of kyouya tu mcm aku suke.. seronok gak jadi mcm tu.. so org tak tau sape diri kita yang sebenar... keep our self for ourself... never let it out... tapi bile aku buat quiz which Ouran High School Host Are you??
jeng jeng... jawapannye ialah kyouya...
haha tergelak aku aku dibuatnye..
You are incredible organized and cultured. You can find out anything about anyone and remember everything, but you still have a good heart. You help people first and then find an excuse for it later. You act as if everything you do is simply to better your business, but we know better (^-^)! You try to hide you’re ambitions behind a calm façade, and are very good at it, but there are one or two people that can see past it. These are the people who end up being your true friends, even though they sometimes annoy the crap out of you. Let yourself open up a little more to those around you, who knows, maybe you’ll find out that you actually really like some of them.
sekali aku bace macam geli-geleman je rase... incredible organized la sangat.. sebab setahu aku, aku ni jenis yg buat ape ikut kepala sebab ape yg aku rancang mesti tak jadi punye... semua yg aku buat ikut mood aku la. yang lain-lain tu aku tak tau nak komen ape....
