Tidur oh tidur....

have u ever had a problem with your sleeping pattern???.. i do.. it suck having this of prob.. sometimes i even cry when because i want to sleep but i can't (hoho).. i try so many thing yet the problem keep haunting me. so i do googling about my problem..so just want to share one article with eveyone. (walaupun aku x suke posting panjang2 ni tapi i might get some benefit from this one)..
Lack of sleep and sleeping problems can be attributed to a number of factors, which includes stress, anxiety, depression and even psychiatric and psychological conditions. Anxiety and depression can lead to insomnia, this is a sleeping disorder where a person is unable to fall asleep even when the conditions are permissive to a good sleeping environment. But some people have primary insomnia with no underlying causes at all.
Then the economic situation with it's stressors can also cause a disrupted sleep pattern. Financial problems are associates with increased anxiety, causing high frequency brain activity which results in inability to fall asleep.(ermm, aku byk gune brain activity ke?? (^_^)..)
Some researches has also shown that unhealthy lifestyle habits do contribute greatly to sleep disorders as well. Here the culprits are emotional distress, originating from anger or anxiety, substance abuse such as caffeine, nicotine and alcohol, or to disturb your natural body clock, (circadian rhythm) with having an irregular sleep schedule and pattern(this is my major prob), for example, taking naps during the day, or staying up late-night. Disturbing the natural body clock is also common amongst who work shifts, students who pull all-nighters with studying.
Also environmental factors that should be taken into account such as noise, bright lights, and unfamiliar surroundings does play a role in sleep deprivation.
If you are one of the many people world wide that suffer from sleep problems, some small lifestyle adjustments might just solve your problem, like changing to a well balanced diet and doing some regular exercise. If your body functions properly, you are more likely to wake up with the energy you need to tackle a new day, with enough relaxing satisfying sleep.
Do not sleep in a room with extreme temperature, this uncontrollable and uncomfortable room temperatures will prevent your from falling asleep and disrupt your sleep.
Do not turn your bedroom into an entertainment centre, avoid having your TV, computer ( yg ni susah skit kot) or games console in your bedroom because it will distract you from your much need deserved sleep.
Some pointers on what not to do when you want to fall asleep, and the first one is not to lie awake in bed. When you have trouble sleeping, rather read a book or listen to some relaxing calming music, until you fall asleep.
Some more tips on how to achieve a good nights rest.
Try to relax before your bedtime, bedtime rituals like a warm relaxing bubble bath or reading makes falling asleep much easier.
Set a regular bedtime, and a regular wake up time. Have a set schedule that you stick to, during the week and weekends.
Watch what you eat before bedtime. It has been proven that eating a large, heavy meal before sleeping causes discomfort and the meal interferes with your sleep.
Do some breathing exercises to relax your mind and body to encourage sleep. Breathe in deeply from your abdomen, and through your nose for three seconds. Then breathe out for three seconds. Then pause for another three seconds before starting all over with breathing in again for three seconds... and so you continue this exercise every night for about ten minutes.
p/s: paling penting before tidur, ambik wuduk, baca al-mulk, n baca doa tidur..( mendisiplinkan diri memang sakit pada permulaannya n nak bentuk diri perlukan effort dari diri sendiri dulu..)
and one of the major cause of my problem is my discipline. tak pernah nk tegas dengan diri sendiri..