Life is a Test
This life is a test.
This world is a school. To graduate from this school we need to pass the examination. Some of the subject can be easy and some can be difficult. As our teacher always said to us, school is preparing us for the real world and our real world is the hereafter.
One of the hadith mention regarding this : "And
wondrous is the affair of a believer because all their affairs are good for
Yes we know that is the fact that we have to admit, but as a normal human being. There are times when we feel so weak, angry and denial. We can't accept the fact that Allah choose us to face this test. Not knowing whether we will be strong enough to go through this. Islam teach us in facing ease we need to be grateful and in hardship we need to be
As a person we know that in hardship we will feel pain and weak, but when we are in ease we tend to forget. Which one is harder? You don't have any answer to that because the nature of both test can be differ from one person to the others. When people seek for your advice, sometimes you simply don't have right word to say to them. Sometimes, you even scared to tell them to be patience because you know how difficult it is for them to bear their situation. But as Muslim, that is your responsibility to tell them to be patience.
Indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience. 103: 2-3
At one point in our life, we know that the only option left
for us to face the situation is to bear it with patience. We know that this
test is part of Allah’s love for us. But we are simply human. We cry, we will be
in pain, we feel discourage. Am I not grateful for what Allah planned for me? Is it wrong for me to feel that I am weak? I don't think so , because
through this hardship I learn the value of being a believer, knowing the fact
that I am weak. That I am nothing
without him. That my Maker wants me to
rely on Him. I know that it will take sometimes for me to accept the fact that
this is my test from my Maker. This only to increase my level of reliance on Him.
“Whoever works righteousness,
man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life
that is good and pure and We will bestow on such their reward according to the
best of their actions.” (Quran, 16:97)
Prophet (SAW) said in one of His Hadith: “The greater reward is with the greater trial or the greater the trial or difficulty of test or hardship is then the greater the reward. And when Allah loves a person He will test them. The people as long as they are in good health, good shape, good condition they are covered. You don’t know their true character because they are in good situation, they are in good circumstance. As long as they are in good circumstances they are covered. But if a trial or difficulty or a hardship comes upon them, then you will see their reality. They will go to their reality. The Mu'min will run to his Imaan, the hypocrite will run to his hypocrisy.” (Tirmidhi)
We can get closer to Allah Almighty during difficulties or facing hardships. Believers emerge as stronger, unites and more skilled while facing hardships but only if he/she know how to deal with difficulties according to Allah’s guidance and life of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Things-To-Do in Times of Hardship
These are some things that we can do to help us to face the difficult situation:
- Offer Salah: Make sure to praying on time that is 5 times a day. Never miss a salah and do your best to pray each Salah with sincerity as if it’s your last salah in this world.
- Make Dua: Make dua for removing doubt or mistrust during difficulties.
- Read Quran: Quran is a book of guidance by reading Quran you will find the solution of every difficulty that you are facing in your life.
- Give Sadaqah or Charity: Give lots of charity, as much as you can, because it helps drive away hardship.
- Hardship is Not Lost: Remember one thing, Allah will never forget the injustice and hardship you ever faced in life, so don’t worry about seeking revenge or trying to get justice.
The best thing to do is to stand in the night prayers, the tahajjud. The calmness that you gain from it will beat any hardship that we currently go through. We know that through hardship, it can help us to build a stronger relationship with our Maker and we pray that even in ease we will have the same strong bond with our Maker. InsyaAllah.