Tukar Template lagi...

utk kali ketiga sejak tahun 2010, aku menukar template blog aku... updatenye x jugak rajin..hahah
bukan ape,hanya kerana dihambat kesibukan study n perkara disekeliling..(alasan semata-mata)...
so aku harap template kali ni dapt memuaskan hati aku dan semua pihak yang berkenaan..
a token of gratitude to kak baity for the link... akhirnye dpt jgk template yang berkenan dihati..
tapi yg jd masalahnya bukan stakat dpt yg dicari tp sampai rambang mata memilih..hehe
malam ni x boleh nk tidur so ambik peluang make-up blog sendiri..(tuannya x pandai make-up diri sendri, so make-up blog pun kire ok la ...)
so dengan mendapat template baru ni harap dapat la membakar semangat aku utk sering update blog ni dengan bahan yang berfaedah utk semua....
"Change is the end result of all true learning. Change involves three things: First, a dissatisfaction with self -- a felt void or need; second, a decision to change to fill the void or need; and third, a conscious dedication to the process of growth and change -- the willful act of making the change, doing something."
i just hope that the change i try to do in my life will bring something good...
p/s: as i hate people, i think it make more people hate me... so now i'm trying to be good.. hating people make me sick.. it such a waste, spending time hating somebody... EVEN Prophet Muhammad SAW, never hates people including the Quraisy who always hurt him.. so who am I who deserve to HATE OTHERS.. change...
p/s: tonight i just can't sleep..